Sunday, 22 March 2015

Ebola Virus Crisis In 2014 And 2015

Ebola virus disease is one of the most fearedand  deadly diseases in the modern world even though the total number of people injured by it throughout history is, luckily, far smaller than for better known devastate such as influenza and malaria. Among individuals who undertake this disease, the fatality rate averages approximately 50(%) percent, although it can reach as very high as 90(%) percent. Outbreaks of this very highly infectious disease are consequently of great concern to infected communities and medical personnel, peculiarly when the populations at risk are very large. The disease awake from infection with one of the Ebola virus strains, which represent a group of exotic viral agents that cause a severe hemorr-hagic fever in humans, and other all types of  primates. The virus is spread through a human to other human transmission and requires direct contact with the human body fluids or blood of an infected person. It also can be transmitted via show up and objects that have been polluted with these fluids. Airborne transmission does not happen. (Other types of hemorr-hagic diseases caused by R.N.A viruses include  the dengue fever,  Lassa fever, yellow fever, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome , many of which are transmitted by rodents and insects  rather than by direct contact.) 

Virus classification:

  • Families and Genera of Viruses Infecting Vertebrates
  • DNA viruses
  • Single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded, negative-sense RNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • DNA and RNA reverse transcribing viruses
  • Families of Viruses Infecting Algae, Fungi, Yeast, and Protozoa
  • DNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses using reverse transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Invertebrates
  • Double--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Double-stranded R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded, negative-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded, positive-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded R.N.A viruses using reverse transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Plants
  • Double-stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Double-stranded R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded negative-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded positive-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses using turn back transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Bacteria
  • Double--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded DNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses
  • Bibliography
  • Additional Readings
There is no indication that viruses possess a common ancestor or are in any way phylogenetically related. haphazard, classification along the lines of the genera, species and linnean system into families  has been incompletely successful. In the early 1970s the International Committee on Taxo-nomy of Viruses (ICTV) was established. This article is a compendious of the committee's most recent findings. Based on the organisms they  profane, the first broad division is into vertebrate; fungi, algae, ,  protozoan and yeast, plant; bacterial viruses and invertebrate. (However, viral families may fall into to a greater extent one of these classes.) Within these classes, other subdivision's criteria are used. Among these are general morpho-logy: envelope or the lack of it; nature of the genome ( ribonucleic acid, RNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA); structure of the genome [linear or circular, single stranded (ss) or double stranded (ds), fragmented or non-fragmented]; mechanisms of gene expression and virus replication (positive or negative strand RNA); serological relationship; pathology;  host and tissue susceptibility(symptoms, type of disease). Information about many types of these parameters has been available only since the 1950-s, and was produce after the introduction of tissue culture laboratory techniques.

Ebola virus:


 Ebola viruses are a exotic viral agents's group that cause a severe hemorrhagic fever disease in  primates and humans. The four known subtypes or species of Ebola viruses are Sudan, Reston Zaire,  and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), named for the geographic locations where these viruses were first ascertain to cause disease's outbreaks. Ebola viruses are very nearly related to each other, but distinct from, Marburg viruses. Jointly, these pathogenic agents make up a viruses's family known as the Filoviridae. 


The study of the  diseases's distribution in populations and of factors that determine the occurrence of disease. Endemic (always present) diseases and epidemiology examines epidemic (excess); it is based on the observation that most disease does not occur arbitrarily, but is related to personal characteristics and environmental that vary by time, place, and population's subgroup. The epidemiologist undertakes to determine who is prone to a exceptional disease; where risk of the disease is very; when the disease is most likely to happen and its trends over time; what exposure its victims have in common thing; how much the risk is raised through exposure; and how many cases of the disease could be invalidate by eliminating the exposure.


The occurrence disease's cases in excess of what is unremarkable expected for a given period of time. Epidemics are ordinarily thought to regard outbreaks of acute disease's infection, such as polio, measles or streptococcal sore throat. More latterly, other types of health-related events such as  drownings, homicide, and even hysteria have been considered to occur as “epidemics.”

Exotic viral diseases:

Viral diseases that occur only uncommonly in human populations of grew countries. However, many of these diseases cause important human mortality and morbidity in developing areas, and have the verified capacity to be  force out to population centers in developed countries and to cause volatile outbreaks or epidemics. Most of the strange viruses are zoonotic, that is, they are  inherited to humans from an ongoing life cycle in arthropods or animals; the exception is smallpox.

Hantavirus outbreak:

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a very highly and uncommon lethal respiratory illness. It was first described in the United States during the spring of 1993. The most recent outbreak occurred among all people imposing California's Yosemite National Park in June 2012. There were 10  affirmed cases, and the National Park Service originate a public health campaign to enhance detection, public awareness and prevention of the disease.

Infectious disease:

A pathological condition spread among all types biological species. Infectious diseases, although multifacetedin their poi-sonic effects, are always relate with viruses, fungi, bacteria, multicellular parasites,  protozoa and aberrant proteins known as prions. A complex series of steps, intercede by factors contributed by both the infectious agent and the host, is required for prions or microorganisms to establish a disease or infection. Worldwide, all infectious diseases are the third leading cause of a human death.

Disease ecology:





The interaction of the ecology and behavior of hosts with the biology of pathogens as relating to the    diseases's impact on populations. Although human diseases have been studied from an ecological perspective for diseases in plant, centuries and animal populations have only received much attention. The reason that ecologists have normally overlooked diseases is that diseases tend to be “invisible” compared to predators or competitors. The toll that diseases can take on all organisms  is enormous, and the ecology of diseases is one of the most vigorous areas of research in modern biology.

Public health:

An effort organized by society to promote, protect, and restore the health of people. It is the combination of  beliefs, skills, and sciences that is directed to the improvement and maintenance of health through collective or social actions. The programs,institutions, and services of public health emphasize the disease's prevention and the health needs of the population as a whole. Additional goals include the reduction of the disease's  amount, disability, premature death, and discomfort in the population.




Active immunization against a variety of microorganisms or their components, with the ultimate goal of protecting the host against subsequent challenge by the naturally occurring infectious agent.