Thursday, 16 April 2015



Image of red blood cells
 HIV is a virus spread through body fluids that affects specific cells of the immune system, called CD4 cells, or T cells. Over time, HIV can destroy so many of these cells that the body can’t fight off infections and disease. When this happens, HIV infection leads to AIDS. Learn more about the stages of HIV and how to tell whether you’re infected.

What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?

HIV is the virus which attacks the T-cells in the immune system.

AIDS is the syndrome which appears in advanced stages of HIV infection. 

HIV is a virus. 

AIDS is a medical condition. 

HIV infection causes AIDS to develop. However, it is possible to be infected with HIV without developing AIDS. Without treatment, the HIV infection is allowed to progress and eventually it will develop into AIDS in the vast majority of cases. 

HIV testing can identify infection in the early stages. This allows the patient to use prophylactic (preventive) drugs which will slow the rate at which the virus replicates, delaying the onset of AIDS. 

AIDS patients still have the HIV virus and are still infectious. Someone with AIDS can pass HIV to someone else.

What are the signs and symptoms of HIV/AIDS?

What is the difference between a sign and a symptom? A sign is something other people, apart from the patient can detect, such as a swelling, rash, or change in skin color. A symptom is something only the patient feels and describes, such as a headachefatigue, or dizziness.

Symptoms of AIDS

For the most part, the symptoms of HIV are the result of infections caused by bacteria, viruses, fungi and parasites. These conditions do not normally develop in individuals with healthy immune systems, which protect the body against infection.

Signs and symptoms of early HIV infection

Many people with HIV have no symptoms for several years. Others may develop symptoms similar to flu, usually two to six weeks after catching the virus. The symptoms can last up to four weeks.

Symptoms of early HIV infection may include:
  • fever
  • chills
  • joint pain
  • muscle ache
  • sore throat
  • sweats (particularly at night)
  • enlarged glands
  • a red rash
  • tiredness
  • weakness
  • weight loss

What causes HIV/AIDS?

HIV is a retrovirus that infects the vital organs of the human immune system. The virus progresses in the absence of antiretroviral therapy. The rate of virus progression varies widely between individuals and depends on many factors (age of the patient, body's ability to defend against HIV, access to health care, existence of coexisting infections, the infected person's genetic inheritance, resistance to certain strains of HIV).

HIV can be transmitted through:
  • Sexual transmission. It can happen when there is contact with infected sexual secretions (rectal, genital or oral mucous membranes). This can happen while having unprotected sex, including vaginal, oral and anal sex or sharing sex toys with someone infected with HIV.

  • Perinatal transmission. The mother can pass the infection on to her child during childbirth, pregnancy, and also through breastfeeding.

  • Blood transmission. The risk of transmitting HIV through blood transfusion is nowadays extremely low in developed countries, thanks to meticulous screening and precautions. Among drug users, sharing and reusing syringes contaminated with HIV-infected blood is extremely hazardous.

    Thanks to strict protection procedures the risk of accidental infection for healthcare workers is low.

    Individuals who give and receive tattoos and piercings are also at risk and should be very careful.
Myths: There are many misconceptions about HIV and AIDS. The virus CANNOT be transmitted from:
    • shaking hands
    • hugging
    • casual kissing
    • sneezing
    • touching unbroken skin
    • using the same toilet
    • sharing towels
    • sharing cutlery
    • mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
    • or other forms of "casual contact"

What are the treatment options for HIV/AIDS?
Emergency HIV pills.Antiretroviral drugs.Complementary or alternative medicine.

Thursday, 9 April 2015

H1N1 Flu Virus (Swine Flu)

H1N1 flu is also known as a swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who get it had direct contact with pigs. That changed various years ago, when a new virus egress that circulate among people who hadn't been near pigs.


In 2009, H1N1 was circulating fast around the world, so the World Health Organization(WHO) called it a pand-emic. Since then, people have continued to get disgorge from swine flu, but not as many..
While swine flu isn't as shivery as it seemed a few years ago, it's too still important to protect yourself from getting it. Like a seasonal flu, it can cause many types of serious health problems for some people. The best protection is to get a flu shot or swine-flu vaccine, every year. Swine flu is one of the viruses enclosed in the vaccine.

Causes of Swine Flu

Swine flu is infectious, and it spread out in the same way as a seasonal flu. When people who have it sneeze or cough, they spray small drops of the virus over the air. If you come in contact with these  tiny drops or touch a surface (such as a doorknob or sink) that an infected person has recently touched, you can also catch H1N1 swine flu.
Despite the name, you can't catch swine flu by eating ham, bacon, or any other pork product.

Swine Flu Symptoms

People who have swine flu can be infectious one day before they have any symptoms, and only 7 days after they get sick. Kids can be contagious for only 10 days.
Most symptoms are the same as seasonal swine-flu. They can include:
  • cough
  • fever
  • sore throat
  • stuffy or runny nose
  • body aches
  • headache
  • chills
  • fatigue
Like seasonal flu, swine flu can lead to more dangerous complications, including respiratory failure and pneumonia. And it can make conditions like asthma worse or diabetes. If you have symptoms like severe vomiting, shortness of breath, abdominal pain,confusion or dizziness, call your doctor or 911 right away.

Tests for Swine Flu

It's hard to tell whether you have seasonal flu or swine flu , because many symptoms are the same. People with swine flu may be more probable to feel nauseous and throw up than people who have seasonal flu. But a lab test is the only way to know about surety. Even a rapid flu test you can get in your doctor's office won't tell you for sure.

5 Things to Do Before You Get Swine Flu

The H1N1 flu, ordinarily called swine flu, is expected to make many people ill  this flu season. And if you are one of them, you are in for some serious at-home time, recovering and stinting other people from your dangerous germs. To make that time a little easier thing on yourself, consider taking these 5 steps now, before you come down with swine flu.
1. Make a backup plan. Let's say you get sick, or you need to take care of someone with swine flu. What's your plan for missing school, work or college? Do you know your company's flu leave policy? If you're in school, how will you keep up with class work? Ask now, so you're not surprised later. 
2. Butter up your friends. You might need them as a "flu buddy" to help out while you're get down with swine flu, particularly if you live alone. If your social network has weakened, bolster it now.
3. Bolster your flu supply stockpile. How are you set for tissues and fever-reducing medicines? Do you have a thermometer to check your temperature? Don't forget about liquids so that you stay hydrated. And if you choose to use face masks if you get sick and can't avoid close contact with other people, remember that each face mask should only be used once, not over and over again.

4. Stock up on comfort foods. Check the pantry, fridge, and stack of order-in menus. Stock up on those special foods that make comfort you when you're not feeling well -- tea, crackers, chicken noodle soup -- whatever works for you. The last thing you're going to feel like doing when you get swine flu is grocery shopping.
5. Be good to your hands. Even if you don't get swine flu, you'll be washing your hands with anti-bacterial hand-wash or shop to help prevent catching it. Treat yourself to a really lotion, and nice soap or gel too. You'll be trounce up a lot, so leave your hands feeling good, not raw, subsequently.

10 Foods to Eat When You Have the Flu


1. Popsicle

An icy Popsicle can soothe a sore, swollen,dry, or prickly  throat. It can also help keep you hydrated, which is key when battle with the flu. Getting enough fluids can keep mucus very thin and help lessen congestion.. Look for Popsicle made from 100% fruit juice to make sure you're getting vital nutrients and not sugar water. Some flavors to try: strawberry , grape, or apple.


2.Turkey Sandwich

Turkey is a good, lean protein, essential to solid nutrition. And although you may not feel better, eating can help give your body energy to fight your illness. Try to adding cranberry sauce for a spike of flavor and comfort-food taste.


3.Vegetable Juice

Making and eating a green salad is probably one of the last things you'll feel up to while recovering from the swine-flu. Down a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice instead. You will load up on immune-boosting antioxidants and keep yourself more hydrated. Craving a sweet taste? Go with 100% fruit juice.


4.Chicken Soup

 hydrating and Nourishing, there's also some scientific evidence that chicken soup may help with healing and have soft anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that hot chicken soup can improve the cilia's ability, the tiny hair,like parts of the nasal passages, to protect the body from virus and bacteria.



If you feel up to it, a small bites of garlic can be a good choice to spice up foods like soup. It appears to have antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties and may give you smooth relief from congestion.



Nausea? Stomachache? Ginger is a home remedy often used to soothe these symptoms. Some studies suggest it may help to fight inflammation. Try adding it freshly nettle or in powdered form to other foods, or drinking flat ginger ale.


7.Hot Tea

Black, oolong and green tea offer disease-fighting antioxidants. And breathing in the steam can help to relieve from congestion. Add squeeze of lemon  and a spoonful of honey to help soothe a sore throat. If caffeine agitate you, opt for decaf or herbal versions.



whole, mashed, or Sliced, bananas are easy on the stomach. They can be a go-to food if you've been hit with symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea , which often occur in kids with the flu along with rice, .Bananas,toast, and applesauce, make up the BRAT diet -- often the first foods doctors inspire people to try when they’re almost recovering from stomach flu and ready to use solid foods.



Although it brings up the rear of the BRAT diet, toast is nothing to ignore. If you can manage food, try toast or crackers. They can be convenient foods when you're fighting illness. Plus, they pair well with chicken noodle soup and their satisfying crunch can take the edge off hunger when your stomach can't handle much.


10.Meal Replacement Drinks

If your appetite has returned, try one of these to make sure you're getting proper nutrients and calories. Look for lactose-free drinks with at least 6 grams of protein and that are low in sugar. Flavors like strawberry and chocolate may make getting essential vitamins, nutrients, and calories more attractive.

Sunday, 22 March 2015

Ebola Virus Crisis In 2014 And 2015

Ebola virus disease is one of the most fearedand  deadly diseases in the modern world even though the total number of people injured by it throughout history is, luckily, far smaller than for better known devastate such as influenza and malaria. Among individuals who undertake this disease, the fatality rate averages approximately 50(%) percent, although it can reach as very high as 90(%) percent. Outbreaks of this very highly infectious disease are consequently of great concern to infected communities and medical personnel, peculiarly when the populations at risk are very large. The disease awake from infection with one of the Ebola virus strains, which represent a group of exotic viral agents that cause a severe hemorr-hagic fever in humans, and other all types of  primates. The virus is spread through a human to other human transmission and requires direct contact with the human body fluids or blood of an infected person. It also can be transmitted via show up and objects that have been polluted with these fluids. Airborne transmission does not happen. (Other types of hemorr-hagic diseases caused by R.N.A viruses include  the dengue fever,  Lassa fever, yellow fever, and hantavirus pulmonary syndrome , many of which are transmitted by rodents and insects  rather than by direct contact.) 

Virus classification:

  • Families and Genera of Viruses Infecting Vertebrates
  • DNA viruses
  • Single-stranded, positive-sense RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded, negative-sense RNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • DNA and RNA reverse transcribing viruses
  • Families of Viruses Infecting Algae, Fungi, Yeast, and Protozoa
  • DNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses using reverse transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Invertebrates
  • Double--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Double-stranded R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded, negative-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded, positive-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single--stranded R.N.A viruses using reverse transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Plants
  • Double-stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Double-stranded R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded negative-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded positive-sense R.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses using turn back transcriptase
  • Families and Genera of Viruses profane Bacteria
  • Double--stranded D.N.A viruses
  • Single-stranded DNA viruses
  • Double-stranded RNA viruses
  • Single-stranded RNA viruses
  • Bibliography
  • Additional Readings
There is no indication that viruses possess a common ancestor or are in any way phylogenetically related. haphazard, classification along the lines of the genera, species and linnean system into families  has been incompletely successful. In the early 1970s the International Committee on Taxo-nomy of Viruses (ICTV) was established. This article is a compendious of the committee's most recent findings. Based on the organisms they  profane, the first broad division is into vertebrate; fungi, algae, ,  protozoan and yeast, plant; bacterial viruses and invertebrate. (However, viral families may fall into to a greater extent one of these classes.) Within these classes, other subdivision's criteria are used. Among these are general morpho-logy: envelope or the lack of it; nature of the genome ( ribonucleic acid, RNA, or deoxyribonucleic acid, DNA); structure of the genome [linear or circular, single stranded (ss) or double stranded (ds), fragmented or non-fragmented]; mechanisms of gene expression and virus replication (positive or negative strand RNA); serological relationship; pathology;  host and tissue susceptibility(symptoms, type of disease). Information about many types of these parameters has been available only since the 1950-s, and was produce after the introduction of tissue culture laboratory techniques.

Ebola virus:


 Ebola viruses are a exotic viral agents's group that cause a severe hemorrhagic fever disease in  primates and humans. The four known subtypes or species of Ebola viruses are Sudan, Reston Zaire,  and Côte d'Ivoire (Ivory Coast), named for the geographic locations where these viruses were first ascertain to cause disease's outbreaks. Ebola viruses are very nearly related to each other, but distinct from, Marburg viruses. Jointly, these pathogenic agents make up a viruses's family known as the Filoviridae. 


The study of the  diseases's distribution in populations and of factors that determine the occurrence of disease. Endemic (always present) diseases and epidemiology examines epidemic (excess); it is based on the observation that most disease does not occur arbitrarily, but is related to personal characteristics and environmental that vary by time, place, and population's subgroup. The epidemiologist undertakes to determine who is prone to a exceptional disease; where risk of the disease is very; when the disease is most likely to happen and its trends over time; what exposure its victims have in common thing; how much the risk is raised through exposure; and how many cases of the disease could be invalidate by eliminating the exposure.


The occurrence disease's cases in excess of what is unremarkable expected for a given period of time. Epidemics are ordinarily thought to regard outbreaks of acute disease's infection, such as polio, measles or streptococcal sore throat. More latterly, other types of health-related events such as  drownings, homicide, and even hysteria have been considered to occur as “epidemics.”

Exotic viral diseases:

Viral diseases that occur only uncommonly in human populations of grew countries. However, many of these diseases cause important human mortality and morbidity in developing areas, and have the verified capacity to be  force out to population centers in developed countries and to cause volatile outbreaks or epidemics. Most of the strange viruses are zoonotic, that is, they are  inherited to humans from an ongoing life cycle in arthropods or animals; the exception is smallpox.

Hantavirus outbreak:

Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome (HPS) is a very highly and uncommon lethal respiratory illness. It was first described in the United States during the spring of 1993. The most recent outbreak occurred among all people imposing California's Yosemite National Park in June 2012. There were 10  affirmed cases, and the National Park Service originate a public health campaign to enhance detection, public awareness and prevention of the disease.

Infectious disease:

A pathological condition spread among all types biological species. Infectious diseases, although multifacetedin their poi-sonic effects, are always relate with viruses, fungi, bacteria, multicellular parasites,  protozoa and aberrant proteins known as prions. A complex series of steps, intercede by factors contributed by both the infectious agent and the host, is required for prions or microorganisms to establish a disease or infection. Worldwide, all infectious diseases are the third leading cause of a human death.

Disease ecology:





The interaction of the ecology and behavior of hosts with the biology of pathogens as relating to the    diseases's impact on populations. Although human diseases have been studied from an ecological perspective for diseases in plant, centuries and animal populations have only received much attention. The reason that ecologists have normally overlooked diseases is that diseases tend to be “invisible” compared to predators or competitors. The toll that diseases can take on all organisms  is enormous, and the ecology of diseases is one of the most vigorous areas of research in modern biology.

Public health:

An effort organized by society to promote, protect, and restore the health of people. It is the combination of  beliefs, skills, and sciences that is directed to the improvement and maintenance of health through collective or social actions. The programs,institutions, and services of public health emphasize the disease's prevention and the health needs of the population as a whole. Additional goals include the reduction of the disease's  amount, disability, premature death, and discomfort in the population.




Active immunization against a variety of microorganisms or their components, with the ultimate goal of protecting the host against subsequent challenge by the naturally occurring infectious agent.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Viral Diseases

Virus and Diseases
  Viruses are very tiny organisms with their diameters in nano meters level. Viruses exist now everywhere, such like in the soil, air and animal body. Human body also carry a lot of viruses, but most of them don't cause diseases, because they don't have any workable poison to injury a human. Human immune system can generate many types of  antibodies against many types of viruses, the antibody will identify the virus and destroy it temporarily.
  Sometimes the virus and human immune system can establish a great balancing relation . However when the human immune system is weak due to many reasons, the viruses can break the balancing relation and cause a lot of problems, became so called opportunist pathogen. For example, the BK polyoma-virus is presented in the kidney of *85% population, however it only cause many types of kidney diseases of our world. But all viruses are not harmful for human-body, or opportunist pathogens. Some viruses can cause extreme diseases, including  SARS, AIDS, Hepatitis,Polio Mayelitis Herpes,Malaria Simplex etc.
Diseases Name
Virus Type
Organs Affected
·         Influenza
Respiratory Tract
·         Adenovirus Infections
Lungs, Eyes
Droplet, Contact
·         Respiratory Syncytial Diseases
Respiratory Tract
·         Rhino Virus Infection
Upper Respiratory Tract
·         Chicken pox (Vercella)
Skin,Pharynx, Gental organs
Droplet Contact
·         Harpes Simplex
Skin, Nevous System
·         Measles (Rubeola)
Respiratory Tract, Skin
Droplet, Contact
·         German Measles (Rubella)
Droplet, Contact

·         Mumps (Epidemix parotitis)
Salivary Gland, Blood
·         Small Pox (Variola)
Skin, Blood
Contact, Droplet
·         Warts Kawasaki Diseases
·         Yellow Fever
Liver, Blood
(Aedes Aegypti)
·         Dengue Fever
Blood, Muscle
(Aedes Aegypti)
·         Hepatitis A
Food, Water,  Contact
·         Hepatitis B
Contact with body Fluids
·         NAN B Hepatitis
Contact with body Fluids
·         Viral Gastroenterityis
Many RNA Viruses
Food, Water
·         Viral Fevers
Many RNA  Viruses
Contact, Congenital transfer
·         AIDS
Retrovirus (RNA)
Contact with body Fluids
·         Rabies
Brain, Spinal cord
Contact with body Fluids
·         Polio
Intestine, Brain, Spinal cord
Food, Water, Contact
·         Slow Virus Diseases
·         Arbovirul Encephalits
Many RNA Viruses

  Virus has two types, No 1- DNA virus and No 2- RNA virus. The genome of DNA virus is consisted of DNA, and similarity RNA is the genetic materials of  RNA virus. The virus genome is typically several kilo base pairs (kb). They use the host's system for replication and generic  expression. The structure of virus is consisted of a small genetic material and a small protein envelope. Higher temperature can cause protein denaturation, viruses are most sensitive to heat. However, The virus can goes to hibernate in lower temperature for a long time. For example, viruses were found  millions years ago into ice in Antarctica. 

  Human immune system usually can recognize a master piece of a virus protein sequence of our human body. And the virus specification information can be remembered by the immune system, sometimes through the all life. This mechanism has been used for make vaccines for some dangerous diseases. Usually vaccines are made of weakened virus, which will not be able to cause disease. The vaccine will stimulate the  whole immune system, and the immune system will also remember the specific characters of this virus. And when the real virus invades, the immune system of human body can quickly recognize it, and destroy it before it cause serious diseases. 

  However, compared to other types organisms, virus mutated very fast. Sometimes there are a lot of variants, and it is a most important challenge to produce effective vaccines for all this variants. As example, the Influenza virus, next year the viruses strain may be very different, and you may need to have a new types of vaccine.