H1N1 flu is also known as a swine flu. It's called swine flu because in the past, the people who get it had direct contact with pigs. That changed various years ago, when a new virus egress that circulate among people who hadn't been near pigs.
In 2009, H1N1 was circulating fast around the world, so the World Health Organization(WHO) called it a pand-emic. Since then, people have continued to get disgorge from swine flu, but not as many..
While swine flu isn't as shivery as it seemed a few years ago, it's too still important to protect yourself from getting it. Like a seasonal flu, it can cause many types of serious health problems for some people. The best protection is to get a flu shot or swine-flu vaccine, every year. Swine flu is one of the viruses enclosed in the vaccine.
Causes of Swine Flu
Swine flu is infectious, and it spread out in the same way as a seasonal flu. When people who have it sneeze or cough, they spray small drops of the virus over the air. If you come in contact with these tiny drops or touch a surface (such as a doorknob or sink) that an infected person has recently touched, you can also catch H1N1 swine flu.
Despite the name, you can't catch swine flu by eating ham, bacon, or any other pork product.
Swine Flu Symptoms
People who have swine flu can be infectious one day before they have any symptoms, and only 7 days after they get sick. Kids can be contagious for only 10 days.
Most symptoms are the same as seasonal swine-flu. They can include:
- cough
- fever
- sore throat
- stuffy or runny nose
- body aches
- headache
- chills
- fatigue
Like seasonal flu, swine flu can lead to more dangerous complications, including respiratory failure and pneumonia. And it can make conditions like asthma worse or diabetes. If you have symptoms like severe vomiting, shortness of breath, abdominal pain,confusion or dizziness, call your doctor or 911 right away.
Tests for Swine Flu
It's hard to tell whether you have seasonal flu or swine flu , because many symptoms are the same. People with swine flu may be more probable to feel nauseous and throw up than people who have seasonal flu. But a lab test is the only way to know about surety. Even a rapid flu test you can get in your doctor's office won't tell you for sure.
5 Things to Do Before You Get Swine Flu
The H1N1 flu, ordinarily called swine flu, is expected to make many people ill this flu season. And if you are one of them, you are in for some serious at-home time, recovering and stinting other people from your dangerous germs. To make that time a little easier thing on yourself, consider taking these 5 steps now, before you come down with swine flu.
1. Make a backup plan. Let's say you get sick, or you need to take care of someone with swine flu. What's your plan for missing school, work or college? Do you know your company's flu leave policy? If you're in school, how will you keep up with class work? Ask now, so you're not surprised later.
2. Butter up your friends. You might need them as a "flu buddy" to help out while you're get down with swine flu, particularly if you live alone. If your social network has weakened, bolster it now.
3. Bolster your flu supply stockpile. How are you set for tissues and fever-reducing medicines? Do you have a thermometer to check your temperature? Don't forget about liquids so that you stay hydrated. And if you choose to use face masks if you get sick and can't avoid close contact with other people, remember that each face mask should only be used once, not over and over again.
4. Stock up on comfort foods. Check the pantry, fridge, and stack of order-in menus. Stock up on those special foods that make comfort you when you're not feeling well -- tea, crackers, chicken noodle soup -- whatever works for you. The last thing you're going to feel like doing when you get swine flu is grocery shopping.
5. Be good to your hands. Even if you don't get swine flu, you'll be washing your hands with anti-bacterial hand-wash or shop to help prevent catching it. Treat yourself to a really lotion, and nice soap or gel too. You'll be trounce up a lot, so leave your hands feeling good, not raw, subsequently.
10 Foods to Eat When You Have the Flu
1. Popsicle
An icy Popsicle can soothe a sore, swollen,dry, or prickly throat. It can also help keep you hydrated, which is key when battle with the flu. Getting enough fluids can keep mucus very thin and help lessen congestion.. Look for Popsicle made from 100% fruit juice to make sure you're getting vital nutrients and not sugar water. Some flavors to try: strawberry , grape, or apple.
2.Turkey Sandwich
Turkey is a good, lean protein, essential to solid nutrition. And although you may not feel better, eating can help give your body energy to fight your illness. Try to adding cranberry sauce for a spike of flavor and comfort-food taste.
3.Vegetable Juice
Making and eating a green salad is probably one of the last things you'll feel up to while recovering from the swine-flu. Down a glass of low-sodium vegetable juice instead. You will load up on immune-boosting antioxidants and keep yourself more hydrated. Craving a sweet taste? Go with 100% fruit juice.
4.Chicken Soup
hydrating and Nourishing, there's also some scientific evidence that chicken soup may help with healing and have soft anti-inflammatory effects. Studies have found that hot chicken soup can improve the cilia's ability, the tiny hair,like parts of the nasal passages, to protect the body from virus and bacteria.
If you feel up to it, a small bites of garlic can be a good choice to spice up foods like soup. It appears to have antimicrobial and immune-stimulating properties and may give you smooth relief from congestion.
Nausea? Stomachache? Ginger is a home remedy often used to soothe these symptoms. Some studies suggest it may help to fight inflammation. Try adding it freshly nettle or in powdered form to other foods, or drinking flat ginger ale.
7.Hot Tea
Black, oolong and green tea offer disease-fighting antioxidants. And breathing in the steam can help to relieve from congestion. Add squeeze of lemon and a spoonful of honey to help soothe a sore throat. If caffeine agitate you, opt for decaf or herbal versions.
whole, mashed, or Sliced, bananas are easy on the stomach. They can be a go-to food if you've been hit with symptoms like diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea , which often occur in kids with the flu along with rice, .Bananas,toast, and applesauce, make up the BRAT diet -- often the first foods doctors inspire people to try when they’re almost recovering from stomach flu and ready to use solid foods.
Although it brings up the rear of the BRAT diet, toast is nothing to ignore. If you can manage food, try toast or crackers. They can be convenient foods when you're fighting illness. Plus, they pair well with chicken noodle soup and their satisfying crunch can take the edge off hunger when your stomach can't handle much.
10.Meal Replacement Drinks
If your appetite has returned, try one of these to make sure you're getting proper nutrients and calories. Look for lactose-free drinks with at least 6 grams of protein and that are low in sugar. Flavors like strawberry and chocolate may make getting essential vitamins, nutrients, and calories more attractive.